SJC Dems meet, host convention, Sat., April 12

The San Juan County Democratic Party will hold its 2014 county convention Saturday, April 12, at the Friday Harbor Grange.

The San Juan County Democratic Party will hold its 2014 county convention Saturday, April 12, at the Friday Harbor Grange.

The convention begins at 11:30 a.m., and will feature three agenda items: resolutions and platform planks to be voted on and forwarded to the state Democratic Party convention, June 21 in Spokane; appointment of two delegates to the state convention; appointment of one representative to three state party committees: platform, credentials and rules.

The county democratic party’s existing platform will be used as the basis for development of a new platform. View the party’s existing platform at

The convention is open to voters who consider themselves to be Democrats. For more info, contact SJCDP Chairman David Dehlendorf, 378-1082.