Council needs Forlenza, now more than ever | Letters

The Marc that I know is smart, tenacious and prepared. He goes to the source for his information and does not get side-tracked or railroaded on the way to discovering the truth.

I am writing to express my support for Marc Forlenza for San Juan County Council.

The Marc that I know is smart, tenacious and prepared. He goes to the source for his information and does not get side-tracked or railroaded on the way to discovering the truth.

I think that newly configured District 3 would be well served by a councilperson with the business sense to understand the impact of legislation, the energy to do the work for all of us, and the integrity to look both the people and the issues in the eye and confront our problems head on.

San Juan County needs Marc’s approach now, more than ever.

Alexandra Gavora/San Juan Island