Dispatcher Gary Gibbons and Deputy James Tyrrell of the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office presented two scholarships from the Washington Council of Police and Sheriff’s in the amount of $1,000 each to twin sisters Ursula and Amelia Stegman of Friday Harbor. The girls are the daughters of Dave and Yolanda Stegman. Dave is a dispatcher with the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office. Tyrell represents the San Juan County Deputy Sheriff’s Guild on the council, and Dispatcher Gibbons represents the San Juan County Communications Officers. The council works with elected officials in an advisory capacity for issues affecting law enforcement statewide. –
Dispatcher Gary Gibbons and Deputy James Tyrrell of the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office award two scholarships from the Washington Council of Police and Sheriff’s in the amount of $1,000 each to twin sisters Ursula and Amelia Stegman of Friday Harbor. The girls are the daughters of Dave and Yolanda Stegman. Dave is a dispatcher with the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office. Tyrell represents the San Juan County Deputy Sheriff’s Guild on the council, and Dispatcher Gibbons represents the San Juan County Communications Officers. The council works with elected officials in an advisory capacity for issues affecting law enforcement statewide.