I write in support of the three charter amendments proposed by the Charter Review Commission.I agree totally with their findings that: six council members is an awkward number — and just too many; the addition of a county administrator added too much expense without any real accountability to the voters; the committee system led to too many meetings being closed to the public. I do appreciate the arduous work done by previous freeholders and the recent charter review committee. Democracy can be a slow, even painful process. We are lucky here to have citizens willing to put in the time to try and improve our local government. I sincerely thank them all. We’re also lucky to have a charter government that can be changed.But what a bad joke to claim that the CRC recommendations will lead to a county takeover by the people of Lopez. What about Waldron? I’ve heard the real revolutionaries are hiding out over there, waiting for their takeover chance.Meanwhile, I will vote “Yes” on the charter amendments. I hope many others will too.
Lee Sturdivant/Friday Harbor