Steering committee off and running in its search for F.H. elementary school principal

The steering committee heading up the search for Friday Harbor elementary school’s new principal took its first steps Monday.

The 13-person committee began its task by establishing its own ground rules, reviewing a timeline for securing applicants and considering criteria for evaluating potential candidates for the position. 

According to school district Superintendent Rick Thompson, the group pored over a variety of material as potential sources for candidate evaluations, such as standards provided by the Association of Washington School Principals, and it reviewed and consider the job description for the soon-to-be vacant post. 

“We also discussed the staff and community input process facilitated by Buck Evans this Thursday,” Thompson said in a press release. 

Committee members will meet with elementary school staff Thursday, March 10, to develop a list of preferred qualifications for the principal post, and a community forum, in which preferred qualifications of a principal is the topic, will take place Thursday evening at the elementary school, beginning at 7 p.m. 

School district officials expect to hire a replacement for principal Gary Pflueger, who submitted his resignation in early January, by the end of May. 

District officials expect to announce the job opening, which will include preferred qualifications and personnel qualities, sometime next week. 

Members of the steering committee are: Robin Delazerda, Mike Taylor, Brent Snow (school board member), Kay Jakutis, Tessa Degavre, Gail Leschine-Seitz, Jo Sandwith, Amy Hull, Marie Rothlisberger, Susan Williamson, Shannon Minke, Marty Robinson and Superintendent Rick Thompson. 

The committee meets March 14, and at that time will review comments and feedback gathered at Thursday’s forums.

For info about the search process or steering committee, contact the school district office at 378-4133