Vote for joy | Letter


As I prepare to cast my ballot to vote for the next President of the United States of America, I cast aside all the labels that pretend to define who we are. A question had emerged, startling me: What on Earth are we doing here, on Earth?

I had just completed writing my Last Will and Testament and felt it was premature, even though I am 85 years old. If there is a “last” will, what was the “first” one? When we first encountered Earth and its spectacular beauty?

We were all, as far as we know, born on planet Earth. It is a place marked by differences. Each human being, each blade of grass — each snowflake, as young people are taught in school — is unique from all others of its species. That fact, to me, is a source of great wonder. And yet it is a source of fear for many of us.

In addition, Earth is a place marked by constant change. Not just the seasons of the year, but the cells in our bodies continually change. Again, instead of being a source of wonder, it frightens us. We fight against both change and differences.

So, what on Earth are we doing here? My guess is that we are here to transform fear into wonder. Transform suffering into happiness. Quite simple really. Never mind labels, especially those of political parties. As we fill out our ballots, let’s vote for those committed to bringing us, all of us, every different beautiful one of us, the most joy.

Happy Election Day!

Wendy Shepard

San Juan Island