Funny? Or uninformed? | Letter

I was disappointed by the Journal and Sounder’s choice a couple weeks ago to run an opinion cartoon that appeared to mock local efforts to address diversity and inclusion. The cartoon featured two older, presumably white guys speculating that the County’s recent expulsion of 5 permit staffers was being used to fund its work on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Perhaps I misread the joke, but I interpreted it as casual scorn for efforts to understand and foster an inclusive climate at the largest employer in the San Juans. The cartoon seemed to reflect some of the current national backlash against courageous efforts to address centuries of prejudice and injustice that continue to impact our communities. I found it particularly jarring after having read just moments earlier a cheerful front-page article expressly written “to celebrate the history and contributions of members of the island’s gay community….”

So which is it? Celebrate all of the wonderful facets of our island community or ignore that the status quo excludes those who have historically fallen outside the power structure?

Let’s choose the former. Bigotry isn’t funny. It’s not productive. It’s harmful to many of our friends, family, and neighbors. And frankly, it’s growing super tiresome in the 21st century. Our similarities far outweigh our differences. But our differences make us all the more interesting. Let’s embrace, celebrate, respect, and learn from them and continue to make our community one of the most welcoming around.

Kyle Loring,

San Juan