Submitted by the LWVSJ Observer Corps
League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization, encourages informed participation in government. The Observer Corps attends and takes notes at government meetings to expand public understanding of public policy and decisions. The notes do not necessarily reflect the views of the League or its members.
Friday Harbor Town Council regular meeting of Aug, 15
The council heard a variance request for 475 Hillside Place where a development of three townhouses is nearing completion. At the site, the town’s street right of way is 30 feet but when a right of way is less than 40 standard 40 ft right-of-way town code is not clear about which elements take priority. The owner is asking to continue a gravel path that exists on the adjacent lot. The town staff recommendation is for a curb and gutter. Town staff and the owner agreed to meet and come up with a compromise proposal for Council consideration at the September 5 meeting. A variance request for 210 Web Street was postponed to a later meeting.
The Northwest Clean Air Agency gave a presentation about it history and services. The County has requested to join the agency which would take over administering Clean Air Act regulations from the State Department of Ecology. San Juan County has decided that switching to a local agency would be cheaper and provide better service since staff are based in Mount Vernon vs. Spokane for the state. Under local agency rules, the town would be responsible for $1,400 per year of the agency’s membership fee and would get a seat on the board. A county representative said they would answer questions the council had about fees to businesses, mainly gas stations, and keep them informed on the progress of the process.
A council member informed the rest of the council of an invitation from County Council member Fuller for a town representative to attend a meeting in Friday Harbor with Governor Inslee about ferry issues on Aug. 24. Council member Geffen will attend and raise the impact unreliable ferry service is having on businesses of all types.
The town administrator provided a timeline for the lawsuit by the county against the town for the fairgrounds water issue where a hearing is set for the Superior Court for Oct, 22.