Mullis Center Raising Funds for Food Security on SJI

Submitted by the Mullis Community Senior Center

The Mullis Community Senior Center is honored to be among 30 local nonprofits selected to participate in the 2024 San Juan Island Community Foundation’s annual County Fair fundraising campaign – SJI CARES. Between August 15-18 the Mullis Center will be raising funds for Fresh Bucks, a local food security and nutrition program open to all SJI residents who live at or below 200% of the Federal poverty level.

The ever-rising cost of living and the significant effects of inflation have made food security issues even more pronounced for islanders this year. The Mullis Community Senior Center seeks to address this issue by raising $7500 for fresh, local, healthy food for seniors and disabled adults enrolled in the Fresh Bucks program so that they may live and age well on San Juan Island. Program participants receive $40 per week in tokens to be spent on food items such fruits, veggies, meat, fish, eggs, and bread at the SJI Farmers Market on Saturdays through October. Eligible community members can apply for the program online at or in person at the Joyce L. Sobel Family Resource Center, SJ County Health and Community Services, and on Saturdays at the Farmers Market manager booth.

MCSC is seeking community support in raising funds for Fresh Bucks as part of the Community Foundation’s 2024 SJI CARES County Fair Giving Campaign. Through this program, the first $1000 in donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the San Juan Island Community Foundation (SJICF). The Mullis Center is also eligible for up to $2500 in bonus grants awarded throughout fair week. To be eligible for matching funds, donations to the Mullis Center must be made during the four days of the 2024 County Fair (Aug 15-18). Donors can contribute in person at the SJICF fair booth, online at, by phone to SJICF at 360-378-1001, or by mailing a check payable to SJICF (dated between Aug 15-18) with “Mullis Center Fresh Bucks” in the memo line, to PO Box 1352, Friday Harbor, WA 98250. The Community Foundation will grant the raised funds to MCSC following the County Fair.

The 2024 Fresh Bucks program is a program of Nourish to Flourish and is sponsored by the Mullis Center, Soroptimist International of FH, and San Juan Island Farmers Market Association, with support from SJ

County Health & Community Services and the Joyce L. Sobel Family Resource Center. The Mullis Center and its program partners are able to help meet the nutritional needs of seniors and disabled adults on SJI through the generosity and support of donors who wish to help all community members age and live well on SJI. 100% of the funds we raise during the SJI CARES campaign will go to Fresh Bucks, specifically for eligible senior and disabled adult community members. To learn more about the Fresh Bucks Program and the Community Foundation’s SJI CARES fundraising campaign please visit our website,