The Whale Museum’s Summer Lecture Series continues

Submitted by The Whale Museum

The Whale Museum’s Summer Lecture Series is in full swing. Join us for our next two lectures, free and open to the public!

Bright Extinction – Charting a Course for Southern Resident Orca Recovery

Join us on Aug. 8 at 7 p.m. at The Whale Museum for an evening of education with Dr. Rob Williams. The critically endangered Southern Resident killer whale population is one of the most well-studied marine mammals on the planet. Why are they not recovering? Dr. Rob Williams will outline the results of a recent collaborative effort to understand why and what we must do to prevent the extinction of this iconic population.

New Insights Into Killer Whale Behavior From Aerial Observations

Join us on Aug. 21 at 7 p.m. at The Whale Museum for an evening of education with Dr. Michael Weiss. This talk will discuss how aerial observations using drones are expanding our understanding of Southern Resident killer whale social structure, foraging and communication. Weiss is a behavioral ecologist and the Research Director at the Center for Whale Research. His research focuses on the intersections between behavior, fitness, and population dynamics in killer whales.

Check out our events page at to learn more about our upcoming lectures and events.

Questions? Contact Tracie Merrill at 360-378-4710 ext. 23, or email