Library needs our support | Guest Column

I support voting for the Library Levy; the Library is a community resource like no other on our island and one would think that voting to keep it operating at the current level should be non-controversial. However, it’s not.

A Mr. Royce Meyerott has put out yard signs and also wrote the statement against the levy in the Voters’ Pamphlet. In this inflamed political climate vulgar language on the signs isn’t a helpful part of political dialogue- I don’t enjoy seeing “HELL NO!” when driving around and tourists must wonder what on earth is going on. I know I am not alone in my revulsion, I just drove by several signs with the “Hell” taped over… In the Voters’ Pamphlet the Argument Against. there are a number of unattributed and unverifiable statements with no connection to why they might be germane, echoing the spasm of thoughtless misinformation spreading in our country right now. Most glaring is Mr. Meyerott’s statement that the Library “explicitly” says that they will use the money for a new library. The Library verbiage in the Pamphlet literally says the opposite, in two places. Continuing to conflate the failed bid for funding the new Library with the need to pay for day-to-day expenses is grossly inaccurate and causes voter confusion when clarity is needed. If the thinking is that the Library spends too much money, make that argument, but use apples-to-apples facts, not scattered half-truths that prove nothing, such as:

Why is a Board decision to roll over debt and fatten diminished reserves with insurance money a bad decision? Sounds like reacting normally to an existing painful situation.

What is notable about the Library Director having a professional salary and getting cost-of-living raises? Looks like normal cost of business with little to no extra sweetening.

$13+ Million for 4 years operation of the Library is…a waste of money…..?? It sounds reasonable with no proof otherwise.

Having a separate accounting for non-operational expenses like consultants to help lobbying efforts for a new building, probably using money from donors? Again, sounds normal, not controversial.

I can see an argument, like some made against the building purchase, that the Library Board and donors may not get their money’s worth, for instance, or argue, as a friend of mine cogently does, that we don’t need (or deserve?) a new library building until we have more affordable housing for the people who would use it, but that isn’t the subject at hand. The current levy request is for maintaining status quo.

It is too late to retract the material in the Voters’ Pamphlet, but, please, Mr. Meyerott, take down the needlessly inflammatory yard signs and help us return to civilized, knowledgeable, and calm dialogue. I hope everyone else will take the time to figure out the truth and vote to keep the Library going at current levels. Ask a Library staff member or a Board member, they will be happy to clarify things, or go to the Library and look at the fact sheet they have put out. A great opportunity to get questions answered is Thursday, July 25, 5:30 pm, at the Mullis Center, which is another important resource for the Island.

Thank you

Sasha von Dassow,

San Juan Island