Submitted by San Juan County
San Juan County’s Department of Community Development received an application from OPALCO for a Public Engagement Guide Image conditional use permit for a microgrid and battery installation project at the corner of Douglas Rd and Bailer Hill Rd. CUPs are a regulated process governed by the County Code and are subject to public comments and quasi-judicial review by a Hearing Examiner (a person contracted by the County to make land use decisions and hear appeals). DCD will review the application and prepare a report for the County Hearing Examiner who will convene a public hearing and make the final decision on the project application based on the County Code. Members of the public interested in engaging in the County’s review of OPALCO’s project can use this guide to find:
A brief overview of OPALCO’s proposed project
How San Juan County’s permit review process works
The project’s current review status
A summary of information and links to important resources and contact information
What is the project?
OPALCO has applied for a conditional use permit to install solar panels across parcel 352713002000, located at the corner of Douglas Rd and Bailer Hill Rd. The parcel is designated Agricultural Resource. OPALCO indicates the project will allow for livestock grazing around and underneath its panels ensuring that agriculture use is viable after installation. A small portion of the lot will house a battery energy storage system (or BESS). Livestock would not have access to this area.
OPALCO has provided the following documentation to the County: Project narrative and site plans, SEPA checklist, critical area documentation, stormwater report, clearing and grading application, electromagnetic field (EMF) density report, farmland evaluation and assessment, visual impact assessment, and responses to staff inquiries (through February 8, 2024). All of which are available to the public.
Additional information may be required during the permit review process and will be made available to the public.
Why has OPALCO applied for a conditional use permit for this project? Why can the public comment on it?
The project is a commercial power-generation facility, which requires a conditional use permit to allow its development in parcels designated Agricultural (or ‘AG’). OPALCO completed its final application in September of 2023, though additional requests for information were not completely addressed again until Feb. 6. To view the permit, visit
The County’s Department of Community Development reviews CUPs and prepares a staff report for the Hearing Examiner who convenes a public hearing to review and take testimony on the project. The HEX takes all testimony into consideration in their review and ruling on the project. To view the Hearing Examiner agenda and minutes, visit
How can the public submit comments on OPALCO’s conditional use permit?
The public has several opportunities to comment on the project. Contact information for submitting comments is specified at the bottom of this message.
Public Comment Period: The public comment period began on Wednesday, March 13. Any member of the public is welcome to provide a written comment to DCD about the project. To ensure the smooth administration of the project, interested parties should request in writing a copy of the Hearing Examiner’s decision.
Public comments received prior to April 3 will be addressed in a staff report to the HEX. Any public comments submitted after April 3 up until the hearing examiner meeting (during which the public may still provide comment) will be included for the record at the time of the meeting.
SJCC 18.80.140 requires that appeals of HEX decisions must be filed within 21 days of the publication of the appealed decision. To read code 18.80.140 visit!/html/SanJuanCounty18/SanJuanCounty1880.html
SEPA Comment Period: ‘SEPA’ stands for State Environmental Protection Act and this regulation has a specific comment period and appeal process depending on the SEPA threshold determination for the project. SEPA review for the project has been ongoing since the application was initially deemed complete. The threshold determination will be published in the newspaper and Washington State SEPA Register. The determination letter will have the specifics concerning SEPA comment period and SEPA appeal process.
Public Hearing Examiner Meeting: After DCD staff and the applicant provide their testimony for the record, members of the public will have an opportunity to present public testimony (written or verbal) about the proposed project. The meeting will be available in person and streamed online.
Rules for conduct during a hearing examiner meeting are outlined in SJCC 2.22.200-2.22.240, found online at!/SanJuanCounty02/SanJuanCounty0222.html
What is the current review status?
On March 13 the notice of application was published. A SEPA determination has not been issued yet. A notice of the threshold determination shall be published in the Journal and the Sounder.
The final decision on the project application will be made by the County Hearing Examiner after the public hearing. The decision will be based on the County Code. Important dates (such as the proposed hearing examiner meeting date) are posted below in the summary of important information and resources.
Project Overview
Short Title: Bailer Hill Solar Microgrid & Battery Storage (CUP)
Permit file number: LANDUSE-23-0122
Applicant: Orcas Power and Light Cooperative (OPALCO)
Location: TPN 352713002000; San Juan Island, parcel northwest of the corner of Douglas Road and Bailer Hill Road.
Important Project Documents can be found on the county website at
General Documentation: Permit Review Portal for LANDUSE-23-0122; see below for specific links to:
Initial application submittal- LANDUSE-23-0122_OPALCO_Cond Use_Solar Farm_Scanned_App.pdf
Revised application documents as of February 21, 2024- LANDUSE-23-0122_OPALCO_Request-for-Review-Signed.pdf
Notice of Application documentation- NOA documentation 3-14-2024.pdf
Important Dates of Note
Written public comments are due by April 3. Comments submitted after April 3 will be accepted and presented at the hearing examiner meeting up until the date of the hearing examiner meeting
SEPA comments due by: TBD A SEPA determination has not been issued because SEPA review is still ongoing as of March 13.
The SEPA determination will be posted in the appropriate newspapers and on the SEPA Register (click here to search Washington State SEPA Register for projects in San Juan County)
The proposed Hearing Examiner date is April 24. If there is any change in the date it shall be posted in the appropriate newspapers.
Hearing Examiner agendas (which include links to live web streaming) may be viewed via the online Agenda Center when published.
Public Comment Contact Information
Email Marc Santos at or mail San Juan County RE: LANDUSE-23-0122 OPALCO Microgrid to SJC Community Development P.O. Box 94, Friday Harbor, WA 98250.