Meet Bella – Pet of the Week

Submitted by the Animal Protection Society – Friday Harbor.

Hi, I’m Bella, and I’m one of the newest pups on APS-FH’s dog side! It’s been a few weeks since I arrived, and as you can see by my photo, I haven’t stopped smiling since I got here. You may be asking yourselves what there is to be so happy about, but when you’re a dog like me, who was staring in the face of euthanasia less than a month ago, who now has a new lease on life in a place as beautiful as the San Juan Islands, there’s a whole heck of a lot to be smiling about!

When I was first brought into a shelter in the south, I was found to have a microchip, but unfortunately, the people who microchipped me didn’t want me back; this meant I was then put up for adoption. And there I waited for 83 days without any luck. Unfortunately, some shelters, in some geographic locations, are so filled with animals needing help, that euthanasia becomes an option. This was the case when I was in Georgia, and after those 83 days of no interest, and so many animals in need of shelter support, I was placed on the Euthanasia List. I was so scared, so lonely, so unsure of what would come next for me. That was until Project Freedom Ride came and pulled me off that list, and got to work transferring me to a shelter without such high numbers of animals, and the need for euthanasia. They gave me this “freedom ride” right here to APS-FH, and now I have a brand new opportunity to find my person(s), without the looming fear of euthanasia. So yeah, like I said, I have A LOT to be smiling about! So here is where I will sit, wait, and smile, day in and day out, until I am happily adopted!

Could you be the person(s) I have come all this way to find?

About Bella

Origin: Burke County, Georgia

Weight: 50 lbs

Age: ~1.5 years old

Sex: Female

Breed: Pitbull Mix

Personality: Bubbly, optimistic, lovebug

Energy Level: Energizer bunny with a mellow side

Likes: Second chances, making new friends, playtime

Dislikes: Scary stories, shelter overcrowding

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