County and school district work quickly to contain COVID exposure

Submitted by San Juan Island School District

San Juan Island School District would like to thank San Juan County Health and Community Services for their quick response and attention to detail around managing COVID-19 exposure in the public schools. Upon learning that there were three potential cases of COVID-19 that had been diagnosed in the past week, the district and the health department worked together to quickly and efficiently quarantine one small cohort at the elementary school and 16 high school students as potential close contacts.

The facts around the cases determined that the original exposure did not come from inside the school environment and that district practices and protocols were significant in keeping these cases insulated from other students and staff. Though identified close contacts are currently in quarantine, the in-person school has continued.

San Juan Island School District would also like to take this opportunity to thank the greater community for maintaining safe and healthy practices, and in effect prioritizing schoolchildren and their education by reducing travel, getting vaccinations, and maintaining small groups for socializing. As a community, we are at a crucial time where we must remain vigilant as we all work to end this pandemic.

Please remember, if you MUST travel, please follow the San Juan County Health and Community Services guidelines and updates found at

Once again, your public schools thank you for working together to keep us all safe and healthy.