San Juan County has been awarded state funding to continue administering the Transportation Voucher Program through 2015.
The Voucher Program is a public-private partnership of transportation providers and local social services agencies which provides community access to 180 transportation-vulnerable community members. The program helps to offset the cost of taxi service and ferry fares on San Juan, Orcas and Lopez islands, and auto repair and parts services on Orcas and San Juan. Financial assistance for ferry fares is through a partnership with the Family Resource Centers.
The current phase of the voucher program closes in June: current participants should spend remaining funds prior to June 15. Since last August, the program has provided 160 taxi rides, about 40 ferry fares, and repairs and safety upgrades to 6 to 8 vehicles per month.
New applications for participation will be accepted at the end of summer. For information about the program or for help with transportation in San Juan County, contact Christopher Aiken at 360-370-7512, or