Boys, girls Wolverines basketball defeat Vikings on home turf
December 23, 2018 1:30 am
Staff report
The Friday Harbor Wolverines boys and girls basketball teams played the Orcas Island Vikings on Dec. 22 at home. The boys defeated Orcas, 70-44. The girls came out with a win too, 51-25
Contributed photo/John Stimpson
Marshall Clark for 2 points.
Contributed photo/John Stimpson
Kyle Mapstead continues the scoring drive with 2 more points.
Contributed photo/John Stimpson
Gavin Mason on the fast break and 2-point layup.
Contributed photo/John Stimpson
Ty Anderson shoots for 2 points.
Contributed photo/John Stimpson
Jadan Jones sets up the play.
Contributed photo/John Stimpson
Kyson Jackson sets up the play.
Contributed photo/John Stimpson
The Wolverines cheerleaders lift teammates for a special halftime routine.
Contributed photo/John Stimpson
Darcy Ayers drives toward the basket.
Contributed photo/John Stimpson
Liz Cruz finishes off her fast break with 2 points.
Contributed photo/John Stimpson
Tori Polda continues the scoring drive with 2 more points.
Contributed photo/John Stimpson
Bailee Lambright brings in 2 points against Orcas defenders.