Lyndsy N. Taylor graduates cum laude from WWU; will intern in Spain | Newsmakers

Lyndsy N. Taylor, daughter of Greg and Judy Taylor of Friday Harbor, graduated cum laude from Western Washington University, summer 2010. She graduated with a double major in Communication/Spanish and minor in psychology.

Lyndsy N. Taylor, daughter of Greg and Judy Taylor of Friday Harbor, graduated cum laude from Western Washington University, summer 2010.

She graduated with a double major in Communication/Spanish and minor in psychology.

Taylor will intern in Plasencia, Spain for one year. She has been hired by the Spanish Government as a language and culture assistant. In addition, she will co-author a research paper with a former communications professor from WWU, on the subject of the relationship between social-communicative styles and social-communicative orientations; and social styles and relationship satisfaction between romantic couples.