Friday Harbor student receives scholarship

Submitted by The Town of Friday Harbor

Zach Fincher of Friday Harbor High School has been awarded a scholarship from the Association of Washington Cities Center for Quality Communities. Fincher was the Town of Friday Harbor’s 2018 nominee for the award following a recommendation from Gordy Waite, Friday Harbor High School guidance counselor, and Duncan Wilson, town administrator. Fincher will be recognized at the Association of Washington Cities 2018 Annual Meeting which will be held in Yakima, Washington on June 28.

Each year, the Center for Quality Communities solicits applications from high school students, from across the state, who have shown an interest and involvement in community and civic activities. Leadership and academic excellence are two of the important factors that go into the selection process. “Zach was one of six selected from among 47 applicants for a $1,200 AWC Quality Communities Scholarship,” said Peter King, the AWC chief executive officer.

This marks the second occasion where a Friday Harbor High School student has been awarded the AWC Scholarship. Fincher was excited to learn of his selection.

“I owe all of my success to the great community that I am a part of,” he said. “Thank you to the selection committee for this amazing honor.”

Mayor Farhad Ghatan will be present at the awards ceremony in June and stated that he is “very proud of the accomplishments of our local students. Zach was a fine choice by the committee and couldn’t be more deserving.”