Submitted by Sandy Strehlou
The members of the Writing Our History Project believe that documenting local history is important and many have stories to tell.
Join members of WOHP and their partners, and the Orcas and San Juan island libraries and historical museums, for a workshop on the resources available for finding information about your favorite local history topic. The workshop is free to the public.
The workshop’s presenters are local WOHP writers who will discuss the tricks-of-the-trade that they use for finding information, including genealogy websites, and local, regional, state and national archives, maps, and photographs.
The San Juan Island workshop is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, May 20 in the San Juan Island Library community meeting room in Friday Harbor.
WOHP is a county-wide group of local history writers, researchers and local history buffs who are documenting the yet untold stories of the San Juans. Together we are using a variety of archives, local libraries, and historical museums, and treasures passed down by island families to create essays and informal content published by our on-line partner
For more information about WOHP and to register for Researching Our History, contact Sandy Strehlou or 622-2037.
Researching Our History Agenda:
10 a.m.-4 p.m., May 20 SJI Library, community meeting room, 1010 Guard St., Friday Harbor,
Participants: Leslie Baker, Robin Jacobson, Kevin Loftus, Diana Mancel, Sandy Middleton, Kit Oldham, Boyd Pratt, Susan Reed, Margot Shaw, Sandy Strehlou, Valerie Swengel, Mike Vouri, Lynn Weber-Roochvarg
8:15 a.m.: Interisland Ferry pick-ups (call 622.2037 by Friday for pickup at the ferry on Saturday morning)
10 a.m.Sign-In
10:15 a.m. Introductions
10:30 a.m. San Juan Island Library Resources
11 a.m. San Juan Historical Museum Resources
11:30 a.m. Local, Regional, and State Resources
Noon Lunch Break (car-pool to Farmers Market for lunch and back)
1 p.m. Federal Resources
1:30 p.m. Genealogy Resources
2:20 p.m. Case Studies (using the resources in real life)
2:20 p.m. Catherine Bull
2:30 p.m. HistoryLink Articles
2:40 p.m. Researching SJI Churches
3 p.m. Refreshments & Q&A
4 p.m. Clean-up