Submitted by San Juan Community Theatre
Homemade holiday treats, a spring raffle basket and a chance to win a special cake are part of the Community Arts Theatre Society’s annual Elegant Edibles on Saturday, April 15.
The gourmet bake sale is from 10 a.m. to noon in the San Juan Community Theatre’s lobby and features dozens of elegantly prepared goodies by CATS members, including signature dishes from the “Baker Boys.” They’ll concoct a variety of delights, including coffee cakes, breads, pies, cakes and condiments (sauces, jams, jellies, etc.) — all just in time for those family holiday brunches on Sunday.
CATS members will be selling raffle tickets for the chance to win a basketful of decor and menu treats and a silent auction will be held for a Felicitations’ Easter basket cake. All proceeds from Elegant Edibles help fund theater operations.