We, the Board of Trustees of the San Juan Island Prevention Coalition, are writing to express our opposition to Initiative 502, Legalization of Marijuana, which will come before the voters on the Nov. 6 general election ballot.
We oppose this initiative for several reasons, principal among them:
Marijuana impairs function and learning, and is habit forming, I-502 will increase availability and use by adults and youth, like alcohol and tobacco, legalization of marijuana will increase social costs.
We urge our fellow San Juan Island citizens to examine the full consequences of I-502, and welcome questions concerning the initiative itself and our reasons for opposing it.
Please join us in voting “No” on Initiative 502.
SJIPC signees: Brad Fincher, John Manning, Court Bell, Joyce Sobel, Florence Harrison, Kathy Hagn, Nina Page, Brett Paul, Boyd Pratt, Gail Leschine-Seitz, Rob Nou, Rick Thompson, Sally Thomsen, Curt VanHyning, Sam Waite, Rita Weisbrod.