Fourth of July | Roche Harbor contest winners

These are the winners of Roche Harbor's various contests. Other results are expected and will be posted as received.

These are the winners of Roche Harbor’s various contests. Other results are expected and will be posted as received.

— Honorary Mayor of Roche Harbor: Mark Vanderwall.

— Independence Day Family Fun Run
378 runners signed up, with more participating just for fun
* = new record

— 6 and younger, male: Austin Mitchell, 26:17:00* (Old record: Austin Mitchell, 30:20:00.)
— 7-12, female: Bailey Agen, 23:20.
— 7-12, male: Brendon Myrick, 17:19*. (Old record: Vance Perkins, 19:41.)
— 13-16, female: Claire McCloskey, 20:41.
— 13-16, male: Nate Sievert, 17:19.
— 17-29, female: Olivia Thomas, 17:43.
— 17-29, male: Ryan Carter, 17:44.
— 30-39, female: Kelli Bohi, 20:23.
— 30-39, male: Todd Komen, 21:45.
— 40-49, female: Barb Rudolph, 21:23.
— 40-49, male: Glenn Rudolph, 21:45.
— 50-59, female: Laurie Barrett, 21:05.
— 50-59, male: Russ Frasier, 19:42.
— 60 and older, female: Julie Smith, 28:59.
— 60 and older, female: John Bosshard, 20:58.
— Dog Group, female: Laurie and Leo Barrett, 21:05.
— Dog Group, male: Bill Barrett, 23:45.
— Stroller Group: Brian Johnson, 22:01.