Friday Harbor 4th of July

Town of Friday Harbor Events

Town of Friday Harbor Events

San Juan Island 4th of July Celebration, Sponsored by San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce, Kings Market and Town of Friday Harbor.

10:30 a.m. – ​Friday Harbor’s 4th of July highlights include a small-town parade, a community picnic, live music, dancing and fireworks! The parade, known as one of the top 10 small town parades in the nation, passes through downtown Friday Harbor. Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church will have seating available for folks who need it and their companions to watch the 4th of July parade. To reserve your seat please call the church at 378-4544 or email us at

11:15 a.m. – Immediately following the parade, the ‘Pig War Picnic,’ put on by the Kiwanis, will be held at the San Juan Historical Museum grounds. Expect live music and a great lunch.

6 p.m. The Port of Friday Harbor will be putting on music in the port parking lot, followed by the biggest and best fireworks show beginning at dusk, approximately 10 p.m.

At night Rock the Dock then Friday nights & Sunday afternoons.

Roche Harbor Resort Events

Sponsored by Roche Harbor Resort at 248 Reuben Memorial Drive

9 a.m. – Enjoy the Family 3.3K Fun Run,

10:30 p.m. – Kids Games at Pool Lawn

12:30 p.m. Doughnut Eating at West Lawn

2:30 p.m. – Blindfolded Dinghy Race

4 p.m. – Log Rolling at Wharf Building

10:30 p.m.- Fireworks Show in the Harbor at dusk!