There is a large movement afoot in the county, and on San Juan in particular regarding climate change awareness and adaptation. Multiple community groups are involved individually and in collaboration with one another on such various activities as lectures by top climate scientists, renewable energy fairs, organizing direct actions to combat the huge push by the oil industry to industrialize the Salish Sea for oil distribution, studies on sea level rise and resiliency strategies for all of us, as we deal with the climactic changes that are in our immediate future, and are already evident. There are professors at the labs who are directly involved with research on ocean acidification, the water resources committee is looking at future estimates of water supply and salinization of wells, fire danger during drier hotter summers is being looked at, ecosystems and land management are being studied by the national parks, the land bank and the preservation trust. The Ag Guild is looking at adaptive crops and water management, the citizens group Islands Climate Resilience is working on a comprehensive plan to help the community understand what is likely to unfold in the years to come, take climate disruption into planning and work toward remaining nimble. There are many more groups involved in these efforts than I mentioned here.
There are a number of scheduled events for this spring and summer.
On June 7th at the Friday Harbor Grange a representative from Earth Ministry will speak on Christianity and climate change.
On June 23rd at the Friday Harbor Grange the movie “Catching the Sun” will be screened, followed by an ice cream SUNday social and speakers on the switch to Solar energy.
Madrona Institute has something planned in August at Brickworks ( I’m not sure what it is)