Notice of Ports Commision meeting

The Ports commision will be meeting at the San Juan Island Yacht Club on Wednesday, July 6, at at 4p.m..

The Ports commision will be meeting at the San Juan Island Yacht Club on Wednesday, July 6, at at 4p.m..

Meeting Adgenda

1. Citizen comments/requests: For items not on the adgenda citizens can make a brief presentationand ask the commision to schedule a topic for discussion at a future meeting.

2. 4p.m. Regular Business

  • Approve minutes for June 23, 2016 Commision meeting (Note: Minutes are kept at the Port Office and on the Port’s website:
  • Approve vouchers and payroll
  • Administrative Items

3. 4:15p.m. Ontroduction of new port director, Ted Fitzgerald and port staff.

4. 4:30p.m. Public reception to welcome new port director

5. Adjourn