Submitted by the Kif Brown Foundation
“The Navigator: One Man’s Epic Celebration of Living” is a short documentary film that will be showing along with two other films at the Friday Harbor Film Festival at 1 p.m. on Friday, November 4 and at 4 p.m. on Saturday, November 5. Directed by Drew Allen, this is a story about courage, determination, and facing life head-on with passion and joy. When Kif Brown was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer he set out on the voyage of a lifetime — a quest for remission, a search for answers, a celebration of living! Tickets and info at:
Dawn Brown and Sarah Unger of the Kif Brown Foundation are hosting a suite at Mike’s Café and Wine Bar, (135 2nd St S, Friday Harbor, WA 98250) to promote the foundation’s mission statement, which is to provide positive information about all platforms of cancer treatment and quality of life while in treatment. The Foundation’s Kids’ Club bring awareness to the young ones about the prevention of cancer through healthy eating and life choices.
The Kif Brown Foundation will launch its suite at Mike’s Café and Wine Bar on Thursday, November 3 with a wine and beer reception from 5-7 pm. Come and meet Dawn and Sarah, learn more about the foundation, see the trailer for the film and join us for a glass of wine or beer.
On Friday and Saturday, November 4 and 5, join new friends for coffee or tea and great discussions from 10 a.m.-noon. Visit with us again after the two film screenings to discuss Kif’s life, the film and the Kif Brown Foundation.