Friday Harbor Port Commission Meeting

The Friday Harbor Port Commission will be meeting at Ernie’s Cafe Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016 at 4 p.m. to discuss the following agenda.

The Friday Harbor Port Commission will be meeting at Ernie’s Cafe Wednesday, Feb. 24, at 4 p.m. to discuss the following agenda:

1. Citizen comments or requests:  For items not on the agenda citizens can make a brief presentation and ask the Commission to schedule a topic for discussion at a future meeting

2. Action Items:

A. Approve San Juan Excursions Lease for SSL Building

B.   Approve San Juan Island Whale & Wildlife Tours Lease for SSL Building

C.   Approve RESOLUTION #16-002 Personnel Policy

D. Approve RESOLUTION #16-003 Waterfront Master Plan Addendum

3.  Discussion Items:

A. 2016 Moorage and Hangar Tariffs

B.  San Juan Safaris-Presentation on Plans for leased space

4. Public Hearing 5pm: Waterfront Master Plan Addendum

5.  Regular business:

A. Approve minutes for Feb. 10, regular commission meeting (Note: Minutes are kept at the Port Office and on the Port’s website:

B. Approve vouchers and payroll.

C. Administrative Items

6.  Port Director Reports:

7. Port Commissioner Issues and Committee Reports:

8.  Additional citizen comments/requests.

9.  Adjourn