As your local derelict vessel program finishes the second year of its revival and makes plans to start the next season, it seems appropriate to give credit to all those who have helped make our local program a reality.
Thanks to generous contributions from the FH Power Squadron, SJAAOC, SJI Yacht Club, the Port of FH, Roche Harbor Resort, Islands Marine Center, Jensen Shipyard, CSA, Brown Island Residents Association and other wonderful organizations for the funding to restart and sustain this and follow-on programs.
And without people like Terry Whalen and Marc Forlenza, there would have been no program to fund. These folks, not to mention the Sheriff, the MRC, local government officials and all the volunteers who have helped us to become the only pro-active program in the state, are islanders at their best. Thanks to all.
Joanruth Baumann, Coordinator, SJC Derelict Vessel Programs