Animal Protection Society welcomes new executive director

Submitted by The Animal Protection Society – Friday Harbor

The Animal Protection Society — Friday Harbor would like to welcome Cristin Felso as its new executive director. Felso is taking over full-time on May 1, with Leslie Byron leaving the position after 15 years of service. Byron will be staying with the shelter as a volunteer. Everyone at APS-FH is looking forward to working with Felso.

A few words from Felso:

“My husband Paul and I moved to Friday Harbor in August 2018 to be close to our son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren who live on the island. We can’t believe our good fortune to have landed in this beautiful part of the world and to feel so welcomed by the community.

“… I bring 28 years of nonprofit experience to the job — the last 18 as founder and executive director of a vocational training program for teens and young adults in Sonoma, California. Although my career this far has centered around providing advocacy and support services for disenfranchised human populations, those close to me know I have always held great passion and care for all creatures and critters.

“The APS-FH was built upon a devotion to help animals. I share this devotion and as the shelter’s new director, I look forward to upholding its legacy and pairing my human-related skills and passion for animals to further expand the organization’s educational and outreach programs and the community of support for dogs and cats on San Juan Island. There are so many great opportunities for you to get involved and support the shelter’s important mission.

“… If you haven’t yet visited the new shelter, I welcome you to tour the APS-FH’s incredible state-of-the-art facility, get involved as your time allows, and perhaps meet and take home a dog or cat.”