Stephanie is a leader, articulate and unafraid to take a position | Letter

I am a fifth generation islander and have been practicing law in San Juan County for the past 44 years. I write this letter in support of Stephanie O’Day as a candidate for County Council.

I first met Stephanie 33 years ago when she moved to the island with her husband Pat O’Day. She quickly learned the county and state land use laws and regulations and put this knowledge to good use in representing her many clients over the years. Having watched county government for over four decades, and living daily with the many laws that affect us as citizens, I consider it critical to have someone on the County Council who has a working knowledge of the law and knows how to work with the other county departments including using the prosecuting attorney for advice and counsel. With deep roots in this county, I also consider it critical to have someone on the County Council who understands the need to preserve our way of life here, including protecting the beautiful environment, nuturing small businesses, and promoting polices that will encourage our young people to work and live here.

Stephanie has demonstrated a personal commitment to affordable housing with her own project for tiny houses. This provides a needed living situation for many people. She has a daughter and grandchild who live in Friday Harbor and she is well aware of the need for jobs that pay a living wage and for housing that middle to low income people can afford so that they can continue to live in San Juan County.

Finally, Stephanie is a leader. She is articulate, unafraid to take a position, and is able and willing to listen. She is willing to gather information from as many sources as possible to help make the best decision possible. I have had cases against her over the years, and we have been able to find common ground given her ability to negotiate on behalf of her clients while carefully evaluating the facts and positions in the case.

Please join me in electing Stephanie as our next County Council member.

Very truly yours,

Carla J. Higginson

San Juan Island